Guarantee Fund

Association of Grain Regulatory Officials

The Role of The Guarantee Fund in Financing Under GWHD​

The article is a summary of benefits and global perspectives of guarantee funds for grain producers across the world. The intended audiences are producers, dealers, banks and industry stakeholders of the Ukraine. As on January 18, 2013, after nearly a decade of concepts, the President of Ukraine signed the Law of Ukraine which added amendments for the Guarantee Fund on performance of liabilities under Grain Warehouse Receipts. With an April, 18th 2013 effective date, the Ukraine Guarantee Fund will fill a void in mitigating risks and make the funding of the secured supplies of grain a much more viable business.

Jeff Haarer’s, AGRO member from the state of Michigan, involvement was related to the collection of data and perspectives for the United States and various international guarantee funds. Jeff is appreciative of all the assistance that was provided by the AGRO members.  It is Jeff’s understanding that an updated article is also in a publisher shop as a part of a 700-page monograph, but because of the Ukraine revolution, it is taking a bit more time to get it done.

English translation begins on page 31.

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